Start a scrapbooking business called JuGi Paper Crafts LLC (not yet up and running) and cook, cook and cook some more. Yup, so that's what I have been up to. I wish this blog could detail my travels around the world as a reason for being MIA for all of this time, but in fact, sadness and disappointment took a strong hold. So much so that I don't think I have crafted since my last post in June, nearly a year ago. I don't want this post to sound like a pity party - just wanted an opportunity to talk. I plan to one day share my experiences with infertility. In the meantime, I am hoping to make a career out of scrapbooking/crafting because it is truly my passion. Today is a new day and I decided I would return to what brings me great joy - paper crafting.
This has been a very tough winter and with the snow surrounding every inch of my home I feel as though I am contained in a freezer. My precious puggy GiGi has been keeping me busy because she is unable to get out much due to the snow and salt covering the streets (burns paws). It made it up to 40 degrees today and we decided to take advantage of the warmth by turning on the grill for the first time in 2015. Hello grilled chicken wings!!!
I am looking forward to a healthy, happy and prosperous 2015 and look forward to spending it with anyone willing to accompany me on this journey.
Happy scrappin',